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About Us

We are a group of medical students from McMaster University and our goal with MedProgressNotes is to create a guide for medical students who are just entering clerkship, focused on clinically relevant medical topics in a way that is applicable to their level of learning.

If you are interested in contributing to MedProgressNotes please feel free to email me at

Founder, Content Creator:

Yazad Bhathena

Content Creator:

Kevin Ren

Disclaimer: The content available on MedProgressNotes is solely intended for educational and informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice or counselling. If you are experiencing symptoms or have health concerns you should visit a qualified health professional. We do not provide any guarantee with regards to the accuracy and validity of our content, although efforts are always made to continue to improve the accuracy and validity of our content. We accept no liability with regards to the use of our website of its content.