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Investigations for Tachypnea in the Newborn (< 28 days)

  • CBC to look for signs of anemia or polycythemia, pneumonia
  • VBG, electrolytes, glucose to look for hypoglycemia, acidosis
  • 4 limb BP, EKG and pre and post ductal O2 saturations to look for congenital heart disease
  • Chest x-ray to look for signs of TTN, RDS, MAS, pneumothorax, or congenital diaphragmatic hernia
    • If suspecting tracheoesophageal fistula if for instance baby is unable to handle feeds or its own secretions, then insert NG tube prior to CXR
  • If persistent tachypnea, consider echocardiogram to look for congenital heart disease and persistent pulmonary hypertension of newborn
  • Head imaging if nothing else positive and if suspecting HIE, intracranial hemorrhage, head trauma